I tried to Google information on butterflies and death but I wasn't really finding a ton of information. I used to work with a woman whose son was murdered several years prior to me working there and I remember her mentioning butterflies and how everytime she went to the grave site she would see a butterfly. I've heard of this before but can't find any good websites on it. Basically, though, some people believe that butterflies are a form of after death communication.
As I think back on the weeks leading up to finding out about the impending miscarriage, there are two very specific situations that stick out in my head. Two "symbols" of death, so to say.
First was a black bird staring me down in my front yard, it's not uncommon for us to have these crows around our neighborhood but the way the bird was acting was definitely unusual. I remember thinking to myself, "This better not be a sign!" Black birds are usually associated with death. This was about 2 weeks or so before I found out about the miscarriage, the baby would have already passed on at that point though.
The second was the weekend before I found out. I had just left my house and was pulling up to the first stop sign when this butterfly was almost attacking my car! I thought it was strange and of course thought of ADC (after death communication) but then just shrugged it off as some random occurrence, although I don't really ever recall seeing butterflies around here (even in the Spring) and definitely have never had one attack my car!
Then this weekend I saw another butterfly fly over my car in the middle of traffic, just a very odd place for a butterfly to be, and in the middle of November no less!
It's definitely a beautiful reminder and kind of neat to think that the baby could be coming around me with butterflies. I don't know if I truly believe in ADC but everytime I see a butterfly now, I will definitely smile and try to think lovingly of the baby we lost.
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